Saturday, 11 May 2019

How WATER can benefit in your Weight Loss Journey

Whether you’ve got stones to go, or a just a few pounds. Whether you’re trying to fit into that wedding dress, or look good for your first day at work, we all struggle with those pesky inches that refuse to come off.

But the good news is, there’s an easy way to trim your waistline without any diet or exercise. How? By drinking water.

water weight lossFirstly, if you drink a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal, it will fill you up, and you won’t end up eating as much!

Secondly, when you drink water, you let your body know it’s getting sufficient quantities of water, so it doesn’t need to hold onto this molecule in what we call “water retention”, which results in bloating. So, you avoid holding onto extra fluid.

Thirdly, water has zero calories. Hence, replacing any other drink with water, means you’ll be cutting out on extra calories.

Water is the holy grail of health. No wonder NASA looks for water on other planets to find out whether life can exist on it! So, add this refreshing drink to your diet, and see the wonders for yourself!

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